Hours and Location
Group Visits
Rosenberg Library
Hours and Location
Group Visits
Treasure of the Month
History Center
News & Events
Current Exhibits
Subject Unknown: Portraits of Women by Galveston Artists
Faces and Places of Galveston
The Great Storm of 1900
Virtual Tour: Juneteenth Champions, historic portraits by Ted Ellis
Museum at Home: Virtual Tour
Past Exhibits
McGivney Award Collection
A Renaissance of Caring: Celebrating and Preserving Galveston's Residential Architecture
The Gifts of Henry Rosenberg
Galveston Photography: 1860 – 1890
Never a Dull Moment
Galveston & the Great War
Rare Books of the Rosenberg
Voices from the Past: An Exhibit Celebrating African American History in Galveston
Of Birds and Texas: The Art of Stuart and Scott Gentling
Galveston Before the Civil War
On The Run: Currency, Credit, and Capitals of the Republic of Texas
The Small Houses of Galveston: Another Take
Sacred Spaces: An Exhibit of Churches in Art
A Century of Galveston Art
Island Art / Island Architecture: Paintings of Historic Galveston Homes
From Our Attic
“By the Shore of Gitche Gumee…”
Embracing Aging
Toys: 1890’s – 1940’s
The Art of Clyde Harold Wortham
Lalique Art Glass
Pottery of the Americas: An Exhibit of Pre-Columbian, Mexican, and Native American Pottery
Wings In Watercolor: 33 Works by Boyer Gonzales, Sr. (1864 – 1934)
Foundations of Influence: A Reflection on Galveston’s Beginnings
Silhouettes of a Century: An Exhibit of 19th Century Portraiture
A World at War: Memories of World War I and World War II
Still Life: Encountering the Everyday
Arts of the American Southwest: The Pabst Collection
A Sea Aggie Celebration